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Football Hooligans

Hooligans | Ultras | Casuals

Month: November 2019


Carlton Leach

In Hooligans
On 3:31 pm
Carlton Leach started out life as one of West Ham United's Inter City Firm Hooligans in the 80's. As the rave scene took hold in the 90's Carlton became a doorman and involved in the drugs trade. This led to him becoming an enforcer for...

Polish Hooligans

In Hooligan Nations
On 3:14 pm
Football violence exploded in Poland in the 1990's. The collapse of communism brought a failing economy and rising unemployment which made young men angry as they became disillusioned with life. This situation created an increase in the size of hooligan firms. Young men were looking...

Dutch Hooligans

In Hooligan Nations
On 3:03 pm
Holland is one of the most tolerant and liberal countries in the world but has some of the most violent football hooligans. It all started back in the 1970's where one of the earliest confrontations happened when Spurs met Feyenoord in the UEFA Cup. Ever...

Roma Ultras

On 2:29 pm

Roma Hooligans Roma Ultras occupy the Curva Sud side of the Olympico Stadium. The Eternal City has been dubbed "Stab City" by the British media after the high number of Stabbings.

Lazio Hooligans Irriducibili Lazio's firm are called Irriducibili and they control the Curva Nord end of the Stadio Olympico. Lazio's followers have long been associated with far right politics and a wide range of banners are often unveiled on the Curva Nord end of the ground....
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