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Football Hooligans

Hooligans | Ultras | Casuals


Roma Ultras

In Euro Hooligans
On 2:29 pm
Roma Hooligans Roma Ultras occupy the Curva Sud side of the Olympico Stadium. The Eternal City has been dubbed "Stab City" by the British media after the high number of Stabbings that have taken place against Engish fans traveling there. The Roma hooligans are a well organised...

Besiktas Carsi

In Euro Hooligans
On 2:18 pm
Besiktas Hooligans Beskitas fans start building the atmosphere ahead of there Champions League tie with Liverpool in October 2007. A game in which Besiktas broke the world record for loudest noise ever recorded inside a sports stadium, creating a incredible 132 decibels of noise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB0iQhCOoqQ Besiktas Çarsi Ultras Pictures...
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